
There is no greater satisfaction than in knowing you shared in finding our Dobermans a wonderful forever home. You get to fall in love with each new dog that comes in to our rescue. Many of these dogs had a tough beginning to their life and deserve a loving family. Watching a dog regain their spirit stays with you and opens your heart a little more each time. As our volunteer base grows we are able to save so many more Dobermans. You choose at what capacity you are willing and able to contribute.

You get to experience a Doberman’s Love at its best:

  • A rescue dog laying their head on your shoulder as you drive them to safety.
  • A wet kiss to the face or the Doberman lean!
  • Nursing a sick or injured dog back to health.
  • Catching a rescued dogs smile or their nub wagging.

If you are an animal lover that loves Dobermans and would like to make a difference in the lives of these deserving animals, we would love to have you on our team!

Ways to Volunteer:

Adoption Events:

Whether it is hosting an adoption event or bringing another foster’s dog, we can always use your help.  We need volunteers who are willing and able to correspond with potential venues. Help is always welcome at events for table set up & take down; assist in hosting; transporting dogs to and from events; holding dogs; and talking to the public about our rescue, our dogs and the breed.


It’s no secret high quality images sell; we can always benefit from more professional-looking images.

Social Media Support and Development:

Social media is growing every year.  We need help posting content on various social media platforms and help in keeping up with new technology and current trends.

Transporting Dogs:

We rely on volunteers to help with transporting dogs to various places they need to go.

Behavioral Evaluations:

To ensure the safety of our volunteers and fosters, all dogs are assessed prior to placing them in homes.  Evaluations are done by experienced volunteers who personally meet the dogs and assess how they interact with them. We also observe the dog's reactions to things such as other people, noises, strange sights, and other animals. This helps us to place our dogs in appropriate foster and adoptive homes. Training is required, for this task!

Fundraising/Grant Support:

A rescue cannot continue without donations from its supporters and the community.  We need volunteers who are able to help in acquiring grants, planning and hosting fundraisers, and creating other opportunities for generating revenue.


Volunteers are needed to assist in developing material for advertisements, newsletters, brochures, website news articles, end of year letters, etc.

Administrative Duties:

Volunteers are needed to help support the administrative functions of a rescue, including application processing, phone calls, database maintenance and updates, accounting, and contract revisions.

Home Visits/Caseworking: 

Home visits are an important part of the adoption approval process. Whether in person or virtual, we always need dedicated home visitors. 

To Become a Volunteer:

Reach out to DRL by emailing savethedobes@aol.com, calling 954-941-4600 
or filling out the form. (Click the Volunteer button below)

Volunteer Application